
#620634 Os agradecería un poco de feedback ¿ Qué os ha parecido?

#627667 I’m gonna write this in Enlgish to see if I have more success. I’m looking for people in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro to help me out on a project I’m working on. My idea is to create the biggest Sarging event in the world. A friend of mine hosts an event every Saturday in London where people get together, share experiences and point of views and go out together sarging. This event has become so huge that the most important PUAs in the world have given talks, people like Andy Yosha, Yad, Kezia Noble’s team… etc Our idea is to host the same event in Brazil, we don’t do this for money – nobody is making money from this- we do it to help and inspire people. This is something that has never been done before, we have already people in England, France, Spain, Colombia and Argentina.
We would love to do this in Brazil so please send me a message or add me on facebook in case you want to try it.
This is Yad’s talk.