- 09 Out 2017, 21:35
Caras, eu acabei de ler um tópico no RSD Nation:
Cara, eu ri demais quando li!
Pra quem não fala inglês: o cara teve a ideia de criar um perfil falso no Tinder (com uma foto de um cara modelo), convidou várias mulheres pra sair no MESMO local e na MESMA hora. Então lotou o lugar de mulher "bonita"... todas levaram flake. Ele foi no bar, claro, e sargeou um HB 8.5...
Muitos criticaram o cara, mas eu ri alto aqui... ideia MUITO maliciosa... mas eu GOSTEI.
Alguém já havia pensando nisso antes? O que acharam?
MUITA malemolência desse cara...
Cara, eu ri demais quando li!
Pra quem não fala inglês: o cara teve a ideia de criar um perfil falso no Tinder (com uma foto de um cara modelo), convidou várias mulheres pra sair no MESMO local e na MESMA hora. Então lotou o lugar de mulher "bonita"... todas levaram flake. Ele foi no bar, claro, e sargeou um HB 8.5...
Muitos criticaram o cara, mas eu ri alto aqui... ideia MUITO maliciosa... mas eu GOSTEI.
worked like a charm..i picked up the hottest girl from the group (there must have been 30 girls at the bar that i invited to the date)..took her back to her place about 90 min after meeting her..wham bamm thank you mam
hottest sex i've had all week
here's how it all went down:
i told all the girls to meet me at the bar at 9
i sent a msg at 8:55 that i was running a few minutes late, but was on my way (i was already at the bar...there were probably 15 ppl there...bar could easily hold 80 ppl..lots of tables, back couches, plus the bar)
by 9:15, about 30 or so of the girls that i invited had showed up...most were nursing drinks at the bar, or sitting on a couch playing on their phones (so, more than a few flaked)
around 9:30, i chose the hottest one that i recognized from Tinder, she was a solid 8.5/9 - i opened just being hi energy, saying "well hello there - and who might you be?" with a big grin (Lando Kalrisian opener to Leah from Empire Strikes Back)
Girl shook my hand, i turned it into a spin, saying "excellent technique - you must be a professional"
then it was just a standard colc approach pickup..but since i knew she had just been stood up, i had all the leverage
zero resistance - great nite
def gonna do this again
Alguém já havia pensando nisso antes? O que acharam?
MUITA malemolência desse cara...