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TiagoFigueiredo - MEMBRO EXCLUSIVO
#714536 Boas a todos pessoal, estou a tentar achar legendas para os videos que vou ver mas tem sido dificl

Alguem por ai tem legendas portuguesas para algum destes VIDEOS ? deixo lista abaixo !

02 - David De Angelo DVDs
03 - Mystery - Mystery Methods
04 - Style AKA Neil Strauss - Annihilation-Method
Alex Coulson - Street Dating Revealed
Anthony Robbins - All Videos
Badboy - DNA Techniques Bundle
Cajun - Love Systems - 11 Essentials
Cajun - Love Systems - Beyond Words
Derren Brown - Mind Control Ep1-6
Direct Dating Summit 7 London 2010
Dr_Paul - MindOS_2ndEdition
Formhandle & TokyoPUA - The Art Of The Pickup DVD
Gambler - Stealth Attraction
Gambler - Ultimate natural game
Hypnotica - Deep Phone Seduction
Hypnotica - Ultimate Inner Game
Juggler - Charisma Arts Bootcamp DVD
Mehow - Get the Girl! Infield Exposed!
Paul Janka - Beyond the Digits
PickUp 101 - Body Language
PickUp 101 - Charismatic Conversations
PickUp 101 - Fearless First Impressions
PickUp 101 - Physical Confidence
PickUp 101 Kino DVD
PNL - NLP practitioner set
Real Social Dynamics - (RSD) - Flawless Natural
Real Social Dynamics - (RSD) - Superconference - Foundations
Real Social Dynamics - (RSD) - The Blueprint Decoded DVDs
Real Social Dynamics - (RSD) - Transformations
Rion Williams - Natural Game Seminar 2007
Ross Jeffries - Gold Walkups
Ross Jeffries - LA99 Speed Seduction
Ross Jeffries - Nail Your Inner Game
Ross Jeffries - Palo Alto Speed Seduction
Ross Jeffries - Psychic Influence
Ross Jeffries - Speed Life
Ross Jeffries - Speed Seduction 3.0 Deluxe Course
Séries - Keys to the VIP - Season 1,2,3
Séries - Mystery - Mind of Mystery
Series - Mystery - VH1 The PickUP Artist SERIES
Simple PickUP - Project GO
Sinn - The Real Secrets of Natural Attraction
Steve P - White Tiger Tantra - Complete DVD Set -
The 21Convention Videos - Ideal Man
Venusian Revelations - The Vault Collection
Vince Kelvin - Advanced Hypnosis Mastery
Zan Perrion - Seducao Iluminada

Se alguem tiver que possa partilhar ficarei agradecido eternamente !


Veterano - nível 9

#715207 tenho um programa que ajuda a sacares legendas em pt ou br para qualquer video.
isto s houverem claro. se quiseres enviou t o programa ou snao dout a dica e sacas lo